Friday, July 12, 2013

SCI FI FANTASY SATURDAY JULY 13: The Sister Contract, pt 3

(More SF/Fantasy snippets by cool writers at )
More from my audio sketch based on the Dungeons & Dragons Online game, in which NPC hirelings recount their adventures with the parties who employ them. Kastinalia is commiserating with her companions Syllix, the Drow Elf fighter, and Anthem, the Warforged bard. (Note to non-D&D players: “halflings” are like hobbits, without the good manners.)
ANTHEM: Ah, yes. What is a hireling to do when his clients are more aggravating than the monsters?
SYLLIX: I was hired by a party of halflings last week. All day they made Drow jokes as if I wasn't even there. But I was professional and did my job.
ANTHEM: Good for you.
SYLLIX: Afterward I went to our Guild base and spent an hour hacking at one of the training dummies.
KASTINALIA: The short one?
As always, comments are welcome.
I’ve tentatively charmed a member of the DDO Community team and a favorite DDO podcaster into providing two of the voices. I could use a recording tutor and a few more female voices.  Anyone else want in?


  1. Great line: "All day they made Drow jokes as if I wasn't even there. But I was professional and did my job." And I love the finish with the reference to "the short one." Too funny.

  2. I, too, loved the lines at the end of the snippet.

  3. LOL I wonder if there's anything left of the training dummy.

  4. Hey, why the short one? We're always getting picked on. Humph... Great exchange, love it!

  5. Again, the dynamics between your characters carries such humor--particularly the exchange about the short dummy. Great snippet.

  6. Fun exchange and you take your time to set up that last line which makes it even more effective.

  7. "A short one" was a really nice touch.

  8. Clients are always more aggravating. That's why I no longer work in customer service. Somethings stay the same, even in fantasy worlds. lol. Great snippet.
